Odsar Tuva Introduces:
TEA Tours
Guided RP Tours through the various parts of Alexander.
Odsar Tuva <The Wings of Time>, their Free Company "Fermentum Iuvencus" {NSYNC} or any of her Venue Partners are not be held responsible for any maiming/accidents/injury caused whilst on the tour. If you provoke the local internal fauna without the okay from Odsar Tuva you are responsible for handling it.
Where and Why?
Tours are located in the Dravanian Hinterlands (X:23, Y:26) We meet in Illdyshire beforehand to confirm expedition information.
Why do something like this verus an actual Venue?
To be truthful, I've ran my own venue in the past (The Violet Paladin on Sargatanas), Current Manager of Kegs 'n Cogs (Sargatanas) and Copied Iris (Cactuar) so I'm plenty over the housing-centric venue scene. I was very much inspired by other venues of the same nature (Eorzean Guided Tours, any of the museums that exist over all DC's, Public Venue events) and wanted my own swing!
What do you get out of it? Are you even qualified to talk about everything Alexander?
Oh absolutely nothing but Gil/Charity Donations (see below) and an outlet for my Alexander raid Hyperfixation. I have a few folks in the RP scene who love small bits of lore like this (To all my Garlandworks/Magatek/Historian/etc. be seen) and I wanted to let that crowd be heard. Qualified to talk about Alexander? Probably not as I'm not the devs or the original maker of the Alexander Primal across all FF games but damn I'm willing to give it a try.
What do I have to pay to go?
I'll take any amount of Gil you wish to donate to the cause or donate to a charity to an equal amount! (1 USD-5 Gil). You don't need to share a receipt of donation before entry.Charities I Feel Connected To:
The Trevor Project (LGBT+)
To Write Love on Her Arms (Mental Health)
An Infinite Mind (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
National Trust for Historic Preservation (History/Landmark Preservation)
What to Expect
Since TEA Tours are done on a mild basis/booking basis, the schedule can vary. With that said, this is an outline of a Tour.
Arrive at Illdyshire next to Slowfix, rain or shine, and form party.
Queue up unsynced (Lvl 60+) into Trial(s) of party's choice.
Random blurbs of facts based on the Trial(s)
Fight, fight, fight!
Repeat Blurbs/Facts until end of fight.
Exit with or without Loot
1) Do not run ahead if you can't help it. Yes, it happens, but do not make a habit of it. (See Top page legal notice).2) We will not open loot/roll loot unless it's Soul of the Creator. Then we will roll for the minion as a little souvenir!3) TEA Tours are not for Ex/Savage content. If that's something you'd like to seek out I will have a set price starting at 1M for such and it will be a set party.4) Despite it being labeled as an RP event, I do allow those who don't RP to still tag with! With that said, RP tags would be great for indicators!
Want to Book?
Contact me either on Discord, Twitter or In-Game Mail!Twitter: @odsarofthesun
Discord: ofthefallensun
In-Game: Odsar Tuva (Aether, Sargatanas)Just tell me where you're from (DC/World), How many people in your party, and when you'd like to go (Date, Time) and we can plan from there! Weekends are ideal.
Odsar Tuva <The Wings of Time> Your Tour Guide!